Recent Content by Draco

  1. Draco

    My cat has went into kill mode towards her housemate, why?

    I'd try putting baby powder on both cats to get them smelling the same. I always have to do this when one or both cats come back from the vet or they will fight. See if that helps. Also look around outside to make sure there's no stray cats or animals that might be agitating your kitty. Maybe...
  2. Draco

    Weird toy selections

    Mine loves the little strip that comes off milk cartons. They do like the cheap stuff lol
  3. Draco

    Fur pulling

    He was diagnosed hyper back in January, had his follow up mid march and isn’t due for another Check up until next month. It was about march when I first noticed pulling and thought maybe it was the different food I had him on and switched him back. I did take him to the emergency vet a few...
  4. Draco

    Fur pulling

    My cat started (a few months ago) pulling his fur when grooming. He isn't pulling to baldness, but he is pulling chunks out. The vet said its most likely due to his hyperthyroidism. It started when he started his medication months ago. His skin isn't dry, no mites or anything. He's been on the...
  5. Draco

    Does his tooth look bad?

    They both ate full meals yesterday and there's firm poop in the box (never thought I'd be happy to see poop!). They seem to be back to themselves. So odd it was both of them. Im wondering if it was stress from me being away for a few days or they got a virus (no idea how since they're indoors)...
  6. Draco

    How long should they stay on appetite stimulant?

    I wound up calling my regular vet who promptly got back to me. Thankfully she had gotten his records from the emergency vet. She advised at least through the weekend on the stimulant
  7. Draco

    Calorie... Wet food

    I honestly don't quite follow that calorie rule. I feel like its a different rule per brand/type of food. I judge based on how much my cat eats and the weight. I use the brand's recommendation as a start, and take it from there. If they look skinny or is very active, I feed a little more. if...
  8. Draco

    I never eat a meal alone

    So cute! I love it when they want to be near, no matter what you're doing!
  9. Draco

    How long should they stay on appetite stimulant?

    My vet isn't calling me back. I've been giving my cats Mirtazapine, the topical one that goes on the ear. Been 3 days since they were on it and today's the first time they had a normal appetite. Should I stop, or give it a few more days to ensure they continue to eat?
  10. Draco

    Identify and Advise please

    Looks like it could be ringworms. I'd have a vet look at it
  11. Draco

    Does his tooth look bad?

    Still not eating as much, but picking at his food. Took him again to the vet on Sunday because I didn't like that he wasn't improving and wanted further testing. He's had X-rays done, blood work- the only thing off was that his red blood cells was a little low. Nothing that would cause him to...
  12. Draco

    Cat severely lethargic but vet can’t figure out anything physically wrong

    I hope you figure this out. I'm dealing with the very same with both of my cats. I feel you.
  13. Draco

    Does his tooth look bad?

    Ate a few bites of dinner last night but refused breakfast today. He's lethargic and depressed looking. I looked up the side effects of the anti-nausea and it's one of the side effects. I hope he perks up soon. Started giving him the food stimulant on his ear too, hope that works as well
  14. Draco

    Does his tooth look bad?

    update: The vet wasn't concerned with the tooth. He said the yellow is fine, the gum isn't inflamed or too irritated- typical for his age. He felt nothing in his stomach, which was a relief. He gave me some anti-nausea meds (probably from throwing up a massive hairball) and appetite simulants...
  15. Draco

    Does his tooth look bad?

    I’m still at the vet. 2 hour wait. See what they say, I just got into the room and waiting for the actual vet