Recent Content by Tigger's Mum

  1. Tigger's Mum

    New cat introduction... Weird

    Odette. What a lovely name. Odette is the heroine in Swan Lake. I had to look up Ictarus - it's another name for Jaundice. I'm surprised if the vet suspected this that a blood test wasn't done there and then because if there is a problem with the liver, the sooner treatment starts, the...
  2. Tigger's Mum

    New cat introduction... Weird

    May I ask why the vet needs to do a blood test? Where I am (UK), the only reason vets do blood tests is if the cat is ill or the owner requests it. It is not done routinely. No cat likes going to the vet. NC - does she have a name? She will take a while to settle in. Everything is new and...
  3. Tigger's Mum

    Vote for your Favourite 10 'It Wasn't Me' cat photos. Picture of the Month May 2024

    Congratulations from me and Otto. "Thank mew to all who voted for meow. Lots of purrs from Otto".
  4. Tigger's Mum

    Female cat not using litter box after fav human return home from a month away

    What really helps with administering pills is a pill popper. You can get them on Amazon and vets use them too. I've had one for years and makes life a lot easier. Does help to Burrito the cat first though.
  5. Tigger's Mum

    My cat has went into kill mode towards her housemate, why?

    Oddly enough I watched a Jackson Galaxy video the other day about something similar.
  6. Tigger's Mum

    Post Your Cats On Your Bed

    This was the scene when I went to bed last night. Oscar, former feral/stray enjoying the creature comforts of the pillow behind mine. It's heartwarming that this is where he chooses to sleep. Kira, facing the air-con unit and Shadow sleeping up on the prized possession - my old fleece...
  7. Tigger's Mum

    I Have the Chance...

    I've got 8 indoor cats so insurance for 8 would be prohibitive. Any vet treatment they've needed, I've paid for out of my own pocket. Not only that but there are a lot of insurance companies who have so many "get out" clauses, it's often a waste of money. I have excellent vets I've been with...
  8. Tigger's Mum

    I Have the Chance...

    Won't be happening now. Contacted my ex-neighbour to make arrangements to meet the cat only to find he was put to the Blue Cross which is a large rescue earlier today. They are one rescue I refuse to have anything to do with after being insulted a few years back by one of their staff. They...
  9. Tigger's Mum

    I Have the Chance... adopt another cat. I mentioned briefly on another post my ex-neighbour who started her own cattery. She also takes in rescues. About 6 weeks ago she trapped a black cat. He was very spicy, hissy and timid. All of a sudden he decided humans were OK after all and looks like he's going...
  10. Tigger's Mum

    Post Your Cats On Your Bed

    I did look at these but they weren't practical as ours is a large range cooker. Apart from that, we keep the cat food in the kitchen and the dry food would have ended all over the floor and we would also have had very fat cats :crackup: The door lock was the simplest solution and works like a...
  11. Tigger's Mum

    Post Your Cats On Your Bed

    I'll have to have a look for it. It could be called something different over here. The only living plants I have in the house are a Snake Plant (we call them Mother-in-Law's Tongue), a mini Orchid I got as a Christmas gift from my piano teacher and his wife about 5 years ago, both of these...
  12. Tigger's Mum

    Post Your Cats On Your Bed

    Got them all over the house and spray them with Kong catnip spray - strong stuff. All we get are 8 cats high as kites on 'nip :flail: Not sure what silvervine is - not heard of it in the UK. I'm not really bothered because furniture and carpets wear out anyway or we get bored with them...
  13. Tigger's Mum

    When to euthanize?

    So very sorry for your loss. You gave her the final and greatest gift you could give her, to release her from her pain even though that decision was heartbreaking for you. She'll live on in your heart and memories.
  14. Tigger's Mum

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    Yes please. I was tired when I posted it and didn't notice till now the Entry/Not an Entry rule.
  15. Tigger's Mum

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    Entry Otto as a kitten. "Me? Wreck the Christmas tree? Honest. It was Tigger".