Recent Content by VAMama

  1. VAMama

    Feeding enclosure: does this have enough air flow?

    How long do you plan to keep her in there?
  2. VAMama

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    Yeah I've used a blanket to trap Cosette. That looks like it should work fine. I wouldn't try extra Gabapentin. All it would do is delay the anger by another day. Healthy cats don't lose much with a day or two of fasting. Best to let her get it over with.
  3. VAMama

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    Geoffrey is in heaven running free and rolling in catnip. He's forgotten about his final days here. He wouldn't want you to blame yourself. He would want you to be happy. ♥️
  4. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Update. Cosette gave me a hearty welcome today. I still have to visit her under the couch, but she's increasingly receptive. My policy with her is that I don't use pets/treats to trick her into the carrier. When I come for business I make it clear up front. When I come for pets I have a...
  5. VAMama

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    If she's not eating, I'd offer her anything she'll eat. She needs to get through this. As for her not going number two, don't worry too much. Cats can hold off on the bathroom for a surprising length of time.
  6. VAMama

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    My girl Cosette rubbed her ears until she got the ointment out. She had it all over her head. Yes I believe it's possible.
  7. VAMama

    Old buddy getting old

    what a pretty boy
  8. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    An interesting thing happened today. Cosette has taken more initiative to clean herself. She spat out a hairball. It was under the couch. She lay there whimpering as if she'd done something naughty. We heard her under the couch. We had to get down and talk to her. After several minutes of pets...
  9. VAMama

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    Remember as time goes on she will learn the medicine is only once a day. This is still new to her.
  10. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Cosette played with a red laser today!!!!
  11. VAMama

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    I also leave the wet food out for hours and Cosette takes her time to eat it. Knowing you're gone may be just the thing she needs to eat. I've done it for months and we've never seen signs of sickness from it. I'd try that before giving too much kibble.
  12. VAMama

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    Just stopping by to give support and ♥️
  13. VAMama

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    Yay for success! Whatever works! The less disruptive the better. As for your questions... 1. Doing it once shouldn't cause major damage. In the future be careful not to get her in the box every time. 2. She'll learn the routine of ointment once a day, and when she sees it's never at the food...
  14. VAMama

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    If she's still coming to you for scratches, it means she's not mad at you. She's willing to forgive you after a negative encounter. Honestly I think you're trying to too hard to make the ointment a pleasant experience, and you run the risk of her associating snacks with ointment. Don't...
  15. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Her mouth is healed up, she's at a healthy weight, and she's good on her vaccines. Not that she cares 😂