Search Results

  1. terestrife

    Feeding enclosure: does this have enough air flow?

    I made this enclosure for my cat with a microchip door. I'm trying to keep out my chunkier cat. Does this look like enough air will get in? I plan to keep the lid on it. I just want up be sure she can breathe in there.
  2. terestrife

    Would my cats like riding in a stroller?

    My cats have been stuck in a small bedroom now for a couple of years. I can't afford my own place (miami.) I have made my room cat friendly and they have jumping places all over, so they are happy. I am thinking about buying a stroller and heading to the park with them. but I'm wondering if they...
  3. terestrife

    How long can I leave out cooked meat to cool down?

    I make my cats 10 lbs of meat and cook it in water. It takes hours to cool down. What is the longest I can leave the meat out? I was tempted to cook it tonight and then put it away in the morning. Google says two hours, but at that point the pot is still boiling hot. I cant add the powder until...
  4. terestrife

    Equivocal mild splenomegaly: should I worry?

    Elsa hurt herself because I made her eating area too high (this issue is resolved, and I have made their areas easier to get to.) Anyway, the vet said that she had a mildly enlarged spleen, he said he wasn't concerned, and it can be normal. But I am just posting here in case anyone experienced...
  5. terestrife

    Clumping litter that doesnt track?

    I am having an annoying issue with the Litter that I use, Dr Elseys cat litter. It tracks like crazy. I run the vacuum twice a day and clean up the cats food area and still see litter getting up to their eating benches. Im not sure what else I can do. I dont want them accidentally eating litter...
  6. terestrife

    Does this incision look okay?

    My niece had her cat spayed in an emergency surgery. The cat had an infection in her uterus. So they removed everything. My niece is really nervous because she was told what lola has could be fatal. She just wants some reassurance. The wound looks okay to me but I'm no expert. This was a new...
  7. terestrife

    How important is a urine test?

    The only reason i ask is because my cats are getting on in years. One is 9 years and the other one 12 years old. Every single time we go for their check up one of them doesn't have urine and I'm stuck running back and forth. We live in limited space so i can't lock them in a bathroom with the...
  8. terestrife

    Best height to avoid joint problems?

    My cat elsa recently hurt herself jumping off her tree. I think i may have stressed her joints by making her eating area too high. I added furniture risers so the robot vacuum would clean under the bench she eats from. We live in a small space so i have elavated spaces for him. My cat Kitty...
  9. terestrife

    Cat yelled and walked funny but now is normal?

    Elsa has been eating, using her box and acting normal. She's around 9 to 10 years old. She was walking towards me with nothing around her and suddenly yelled and went under the bed. Her walk seemed a little off after that. A few minutes later and she's been jumping and playing. Now she's just...
  10. terestrife

    Mouse pad for cat food area?

    I know this is a weird question. My cats eat on a bench. I do this because i have a chubby cat and it encourages her to jump more throughout the day. I found a mouse pad that would fit exactly over the bench. Would this be safe? She sometimes takes food out and eats it in front of her bowl. I...
  11. terestrife

    Can i use a blender instead of a grinder?

    I'm aware this sounds dumb. But my grinder broke and i would have to wait until Wednesday. I wanted to do my meat prep this weekend because my room mates are on vacation. I'm getting to grind chicken thighs with skin (no bones expect the small pieces that stay on sometimes. And chicken breast...
  12. terestrife

    Black eye discharge

    Should i be concerned? My cat has always had watery eyes. The vet was never concerned about it even though I mentioned it to him. He said it could just be allergies. But now she has this black gunk. Ive wiped it off a few times. I am low on money so i dont want to run to the vet unless its...
  13. terestrife

    Is it possible to make a fish based recipe?

    I usually make a chicken based recipe and use this item: Know Better For Cats - Chicken Recipe - For Making Homemade Cat Food I wanted to know if there's a way to make a recipe with half chicken and half fish? Or only fish? I am concerned about mercury. Just wanted to see if this was being done...
  14. terestrife

    Home made cat food - salt question

    I have a cat with early kidney issues. I was lucky to have caught it very early. I was advised to keep her diet the same by my vet. I was just wondering if I should try to lessen the salt of the recipe? Know Better For Cats - Chicken Recipe - For Making Homemade Cat Food I reached out to the...
  15. terestrife

    Elsa refusing to eat without tuna...

    So, my cat Elsa had surgery two weeks ago. I felt bad so I added tuna to her food to entice her to eat. And it worked. I dont want to give her tuna long term, because my other cat starts getting upset that their food is different. I use microchip feeders, but she can smell the tuna. My bigger...
  16. terestrife

    Catio or rehoming?

    I've had a pretty bad week. I have always been slightly allergic to my cats, but this year I started getting episodes where my chest felt tight. I convinced myself its the anxiety attacks that I have had all my life. Even went to the ER twice and nothing was found when they did an x-ray. this...
  17. terestrife

    Anybody here allergic to their cat?

    I am currently stuck living in my brother's home and the only way I can keep my cat is if they stay in my bedroom. My allergies sometimes get pretty bad. I finally gave in and used an inhaler for the first time in my life today. I don't know if I have asthma, but the more I am around them the...
  18. terestrife

    When can I brush my cats teeth after she got an extraction?

    It happened last Friday and I just want to be sure I don't hurt her. They didn't mention if they put in any stitches.
  19. terestrife

    Do some alpha cats feel sympathy when another cat is injured?

    I know some people believe we shouldn't liken human emotions onto animals. But I just thought it was interesting how my alpha cat has been acting. Normally Kitty gets annoyed if I give Elsa attention. If Elsa walks by her when we are playing she will slap her and chase her until Elsa ends up...
  20. terestrife

    Pain management - post surgery

    Hello, My cat had surgery yesterday and I was sent home with Onsior. I was told I could crush it and add to her food but now i found out online that I shouldnt do that. So I am feeling confused. I thought this medicine was for pain control but I read online that its not. Should I go back to my...