Missing Feral Kittens. Need help/advice ASAP.


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Aug 10, 2023
Hello, A mother cat (friendly but will not let you touch her) had 3 kittens and I saw them this past week living under my next door neighbor's porch. (I learned later that they had originally been living under yet a different neighbor's porch on the other side, but he has a dog so she moved them a yard over). They look around 6 weeks old (presently) and started to eat solid food I left out for their mother and two other cats these past few days. They established a schedule and were very content in my next door neighbor's yard as well as my own adjacent property (basically the perfect area for them to be), I got attached watching them..even their presumed father would watch over them, play with them, sleep with them and groom them. Mom was relaxed and kittens had many trees to climb and a safe area to play.
Their antics were adorable and I was glad I did not have to worry about the father cat with them, nor the other tom cat who also is unbothered by them and very sweet with them. I don't even know if my nextdoor neighbor realized they were there since he doesn't come into his backyard much and I never got the chance to approach him when he was out..I was hesitant to bother him, although I know he must like cats since I saw him try to give shelter to one of the tom cats awhile back.

I wanted to get the kittens trapped safely and off to a rescue/foster, along with mom, but a week ago (a few days after first seeing the kittens), a COYOTE came into my yard (never has this happened in all my years living here, it's a suburban neighborhood) and tried to lunge at mom and her kittens right in front of me as I was sitting behind the screen door watching them eat. I charged it, running out yelling and it went away, did not manage to get any kittens or cat. After that, I have been out every single night (for about 8 days), all night watching over the cats and kittens and being prepared to haze the coyote with an air horn. I called around about the situation with the coyote but did not hear back from anyone. It came back 3 nights ago and I hazed it with the air horn. It left, it did not attack this time, just was sniffing around near the opposite side further away from the porch with the kittens. I have only been feeding them during the day due to this coyote situation. Mother cat did not seem to realize it came a second time and was acting normally, but about 36 hours later it became apparent the kittens were moved or gone somewhere as they never came to eat in the morning at their usual time. (I wonder if she somehow caught wind of it again and I did not realize it.)
The two toms came to wait and eat just fine and the mother cat eventually came too but she did not go back to the porch, she went around the front yard of my neighbor's, down a few yards over and I was not able to see where she went. She did this twice. The third time she came back to eat, she went a completely different direction behind my house and seemed to be staring at something. I thought she was calling her kittens whilst near the food before she left (could not hear her because of the AC but I can usually tell when she calls them due to the way her body moves with the utterance) but I couldn't tell for sure. No kittens came. No movement in the trees/"woods" in-between my backyard and those behind me, where she went toward. I have no idea what she was/is doing. When she came back later that day (yesterday), she just lounged after eating, as if in no hurry suddenly..and then she did finally go back to the porch and sniffed around, laying down for a few minutes..I could not tell if she was looking for her babies..she walked around beyond the porch too, at a snail's pace..this concerned me. Then she disappeared beyond my line of sight.

I have not seen the kittens since 3am yesterday morning when they were nursing from their mother on my neighbor's porch. This was after I watched her trot off for a bit with one of the tom cats in the middle of the night..which was odd to me, as she has not left her kittens at night until that moment. I was relieved when I saw her back at 3am, nursing some (or all) of her babies. That was the last time I saw them. I was still up all night and morning going outside constantly, so I'm sure I would have heard or seen evidence of a coyote attack. I only came back inside occasionally and sat near an open window to listen incase of an attack. There is no sign of them under the porch or anywhere I usually see them. I was panicked when they did not come to eat and started calling more numbers for help or advice later that morning since they were clearly gone and mother cat was going somewhere else. It did not make sense to me, since I had JUST seen them a few hours before they usually come to eat.

I did reach someone who would only be able to help if I could figure out where the kittens went to, they thought flyers to my neighbors would be a good idea (since I don't know them well and people hate when others ring their doorbell here). I made up a text flyer as fast as possible about the kittens, the coyote, and gave my number to be called incase someone saw them. I went out, no sleep, in the afternoon sun (not thinking straight, as I burn in 5 minutes) and placed them at the houses I thought she might be near. But I was so rushed and out of sorts because I needed to sleep and just wanted to get the word out fast due to the coyote. I worry I did not word things that well and may have given slightly bad instructions in the possible case of the kittens being lost or abandoned (rather than the other possibility that they were moved) since I advised not to leave food out, especially at night..due to the coyote (so I am worried the kittens could starve or dehydrate now if they are lost or can't get back here, with no other food/water source). I also advised to only scan their yards (and vehicles) and not to disturb things too much incase the mother is nearby and gets spooked, or incase the kittens scatter. Now I am thinking I should have said to look more extensively in their yards incase the kittens are trapped. I forgot to mention garages too.

I don't think I can put another flyer or note on all those houses as a follow-up, people might get mad, but I am also mad at myself for possible bad advice. For all I know, some of these people could hate cats and the flyer was a mistake but I was/am desperate. I already encountered one rude person that afternoon, and I gave more out later in the day (printer needed more toner)..where, right after talking to a couple of very pleasant people and feeling confidant in the effort, I encountered two very hostile individuals who screamed at me for merely taking a step onto their driveway to go to place the flyer. I ended up frozen in place, then shaking while I TRIED to explain what I was doing (on deaf ears) because I thought they were going to shoot me. The woman was screaming like a banshee at me in broad daylight as if I was a bear or a rabid animal, she yelled to her husband or some man in the house about me and he came out screaming at me too, it was like I suddenly walked into a trailer park of insane people (no offense but that's what came to mind)...it was worse than it even sounds. I ended up crying in the middle of the road once the man heard "missing kittens" and somewhat backed down..but then he went back in as I said to him "You scared the sh*t out of me." through tears. After that, I could not finish because I was so shaken up. Two of my own neighbors saw me and heard it as they were walking their dog and they just turned away and walked back..they probably think I am nuts since they did not see what preceded. All I wanted to do was act fast and help the kittens as well as inform my neighbors about the coyote and direct them to info about keeping their own pets safe. Now I'm scared to walk back down my own street.

Anyway, that's my dilemma. The neighbor who had them on his property before they went to my next door neighbor's porch, is communicating with me so that is good. Keeping an eye out. We both want the kittens found and eventually all the cats to be rescued or spayed/neutered at the very least. But I have no idea how to find these kittens, especially with some hostile neighbors who might be alerting others and fear-mongering about me..I live in a US state where people are known to be incredibly rude and withholding, but the screaming encounter was on another level. I wanted to go look at night since the kitten's eyes will reflect with a flashlight and it will be quieter, easier to look from the street..and I have done that before when this SAME cat was pregnant a few months ago..I never found that first litter (which was larger as mom cat was twice the size versus her second pregnancy) and idk what happened to them. However, that was back before anyone knew I was looking and when it was cold out so people were less likely to come out and bother me. My goal was the same it was back then..find the kittens so that the mother can also be trapped and then no more pregnancies or kittens in danger. I can't move forward with the adult cats until I know what happened to these kittens and if they are alive and in need of their mother still. Also the coyote issue..neighbor issue..it's a mess. I need advice or any help or support you guys can offer. I'm already an insomniac and am running on empty..I am going to have to sleep eventually but I am up trying to watch where the mother cat goes, calling rescues, etc..worrying like crazy since I LOVE cats and have done all I could to keep these babies safe..just for this to happen. I am very upset.

Sorry for the length. Any help or comments I would appreciate, thank you!
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Aug 10, 2023
*Sorry for any typos or bad spelling autocorrect, I am unable to edit the post.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. There are number of possibilities of what is going on with the kittens, and I think you know most of them. The coyote, the tom that mated with the mama, the mama moving them again, the mama beginning to wean, and the kittens are roaming about, perhaps getting food from others, etc. Are you saying that the mama is not showing up to eat from you now?

Would your neighbor that is helping you be willing to put out another flyer in their name (I presume the first had your contact information included), and maybe include both of you as contacts? You could even offer to create it for them.

Do you and/or your neighbor have any sort of cameras that could be set up to monitor your areas so that you can take some time to sleep? Or arrange a watch duty schedule for the both of you?

You could set up some traps too, hoping to catch some of the kittens, or perhaps even the coyote who you could contact animal control about.

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Hoping others come along soon with some other ideas.
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  • #4


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Aug 10, 2023
FeebysOwner FeebysOwner Hello, thank you so much for responding. The tomcats have never bothered the kittens, and they have lived this long with the toms being very gentle toward any kittens or disinterested so I don't think they had anything to do with it. They are only an issue toward eachother, plus they were still around and waiting for food for quite some time when the mother cat was nursing at 3am yesterday and afterward when her and the kittens did not show up to eat at their usual time. So if the mother went off and wandered with the kittens after 3am or moved them, the toms were still near my property just sitting there the whole time.

When the mother went off with one of the toms that same night (without her kittens) it was BEFORE 3am..then at 3am she reappeared and was nursing them. That same tomcat she walked off with was also back at that time and sat on my steps for hours waiting for food, never budging. The other tomcat was asleep under a neighbor's car. And I was awake all night, morning and afternoon, outside constantly so I believe I would have seen or heard the coyote. Unless something happened way off in another yard, but that's the weird thing..she does not usually wander with them at night, just guards them, and usually when they nurse they sleep afterward or go back under the porch..so it's even more odd that they would be there nursing on the porch at 3am and then gone from the vicinity so soon, when she knows food will be put out a few hours later.

The mom is STILL eating here. After her and the kittens disappeared after seeing them at 3am, she came back a few hours past feeding time. And that's when she did what I outlined in my post..no longer going straight back to porch, going off in a different direction twice after eating, coming back a third time and then going off in yet another opposite direction..then coming back again to eat and lounging and then going to porch and sniffing, sitting a few minutes, walking slowly away, then gone again. She still comes to eat, even today. But no kittens.

Yes, the mom was beginning to wean them but that is why I am confused..they had a food source here and were still nursing while beginning to eat solid food. It's odd that she would move them or that they would disappear at the moment they did. They have only been here for like a week and a half, and they're of the age where I thought she would no longer move them. I thought if anything, maybe they would be left here..not taken somewhere else. It's strange, They were very used to this adjacent string of 3-houses and backyards..they only moved one yard over before they got to my nextdoor neighbor's. I don't think anyone else feeds them, they all seem to be focused on eating here. There are so many dogs in this neighborhood now..that's another concern but no dogs were out at the hours she seemed to have gone away with them. From what I have read, coyotes are also unlikely to come back so soon after being hazed. It's all so odd to me, unless she thought the coyote would come back and found another place when waltzing off with the tom?

What do mother cats do when they have kittens and are still in heat? What behavior goes along with the weaning process? Because these kittens followed close behind her and she was always watching them or calling them to stay near her.

I was going to ask my neighbor if they have a camera but something tells me they do not since they sent me a picture of the cat walking through their backyard this morning (not staying though, no kittens) and it's a phone pic they seemed to be present for..I think they would have told me if they had a camera back there but they seem to be relying on in-person sightings. I might still ask though. I think he has his own schedule and likely is not able to sit out and watch for the cat on shifts. That would probably be a huge inconvenience..he is willing to help but clearly not a cat person the way I am. He is not the neighbor next door, he is the one next to him, with the dog.

As for a second flyer with both of us..I don't think so, I think that might be pushing things and I don't want to press my luck with that neighbor. People are very 'to themselves' around here. I was born in the south and things were a little different there but up here people sometimes don't even know their neighbors or say a single word to them for years. Which is fine with me, except for when something like this happens and I need cooperation. Yesterday was the first time I ever talked to this person, otherwise I would probably ask and try what you suggest. But yes I put my phone number on the flyer and said anyone could contact me at ANY time of day or night or text me, and I made it clear the flyer was from a neighbor. However I did not put a name because I do not know these people and I don't need them knowing too much about me unless they have a reason to call me, then they will know my name. And after that one horrid encounter, some anonymity was probably a good thing.

As for the traps, I don't want to attract the coyote anywhere near here, I also don't know what I would do with it nor do I have a trap that large. It was a big coyote (they have some wolf in them in northeastern US). Animal control will do nothing to help these cats and they will also do nothing about the coyote..they have been asked by me and the other neighbor. Best I got from them was other contact info for rescues. I also would not want to risk trapping the mother cat on accident first and scaring her if the babies are alive out there and still need her. The one person who said they could help if I found where the kittens were..was going to use a drop trap so she was going to sit there in whatever yard they were in and do it a specific way. But she needs to know what yard they are in so she can ask permission to trap in that manner. It's a very tricky situation..

I appreciate your suggestions though, I wish there were not so many factors working against any resolution. My first goal is to find the kittens, hopefully. Idk if anyone on this site is from the state of CT and knows anyone who could help directly..but I will put that out there incase anyone here knows someone.
Also thank you for letting me know about the edit function/new user issue.
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TCS Member
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Aug 10, 2023
Oh I wanted to ask also, if you or anyone else know what's normal for a feral mother cat who is not fixed..as far as does she abandon her babies? and if so, when..how exactly? If anyone knows. There is so much conflicting information out there about mother cats and their kittens, especially when they are not indoor cats. These kittens are quite small and still nursing enough that I can't imagine her suddenly abandoning them..taking them away from their food source and safety, only a few hours after last having nursed them. The whole thing makes zero sense to me, the timeline and exact moment she and them seemed to have disappeared yesterday morning.

These feral cats have no larger colony either, they're just stray/feral neighborhood cats. I have actually managed to pet the two tomcats while they were eating but not the mama..although she is very vocal with meows at me and loves to rub on everything in sight and slow blinks at me. I just cannot figure out what got into her after 3am yesterday..she was back eating around 7 am (usually it is 5 am and they wait even sooner) without the kittens and came again an hour later to eat more..and so on.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Oh I wanted to ask also, if you or anyone else know what's normal for a feral mother cat who is not fixed..as far as does she abandon her babies? and if so, when..how exactly? If anyone knows.
I don't know if there is 'common' pattern - it kind of depends on the mother and the environment that she lives in. If she is in heat again, she may be more interested in taking care of that need. But that is not always the case.

I am of the mindset that she has moved them again, for whatever reason. They may still show up in your yard...
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Aug 10, 2023
I don't know if there is 'common' pattern - it kind of depends on the mother and the environment that she lives in. If she is in heat again, she may be more interested in taking care of that need. But that is not always the case.

I am of the mindset that she has moved them again, for whatever reason. They may still show up in your yard...
Thank you, I am hoping she moved them and will come back too. A neighbor on the street behind me called me today and said they saw her cross their driveway at 1:30 am last night. No sign of kittens. But also saw the coyote at 5 am on Aug 8th, which was barely 5 hours after I hazed it with the air horn at 11:45 pm on Aug 7th.. That's bad because it means it barely left the vicinity..or it is a different coyote and there is more than one around lurking. I am very upset that the wildlife department I called never returned my message, as I made it abundantly clear that this coyote is a problem and way too bold..I cannot believe it's even in this neighborhood so close to houses because I've never seen that happen until now.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
FeraI mothers generaIIy nurse/guard kittens for 12-14 weeks. After about week 10, however, they begin pushing them away, very gentIy at first, and over time. It's rather amazing to watch. And, as I found out, it is not unusuaI for a senior tom cat to take over training these kittens, once Mama has made cIear that they are on their own!
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TCS Member
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Aug 10, 2023
FeraI mothers generaIIy nurse/guard kittens for 12-14 weeks. After about week 10, however, they begin pushing them away, very gentIy at first, and over time. It's rather amazing to watch. And, as I found out, it is not unusuaI for a senior tom cat to take over training these kittens, once Mama has made cIear that they are on their own!
Thank you! Good to know. These kittens seem to just have started eating solid food this past week, so I am thinking 6 weeks old give or take, and they look it. So probably unlikely she outright left them I guess, right? I am going to try to walk the two streets they could be near with a flashlight later tonight even though neighbors might call the cops on me. At this point, they can go right ahead and I will just tell the cops exactly what I am doing. Problem is they may not come near front yards and I cannot exactly be looking in peoples' backyards.
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Aug 10, 2023
So I just went looking. I barely got a few houses down my street and someone told me to "GET LOST" out their window, almost like they purposely stayed up to harass me. Caught me off guard and freaked me out. I said "what?? I am looking for kittens" and then they said nothing and I kept walking, I couldn't even quite tell where exactly the voice was coming from, but it seemed like their window. I went out right around the time the person who called me said the mother cat was around, I wanted to get to the other street she was seen at around the time they caught her on their camera..I told them I would check around that time. But of course I am also going to briefly scan my own street and front yards on the way. I walked very quickly, all the way in the middle of the road to keep my distance and only waved the flashlight quick as I walked by to see if mama or babies' eyes would catch the light. So that comment was totally uncalled for..this is someone I left a flyer with, at their front steps. They should have an idea that I may very well be the person looking for the kittens..so now I am concerned.

What if they harmed the kittens and don't want me seeing anything or coming near? What if they are mad at me and take it out on the kittens or poison them?

I can't believe some of these people. There is no curfew and I am allowed to walk my own neighborhood at any hour I please, I am also a female walking at night and have every right to carry a flashlight and check to either side of me toward any bushes and such to stay alert in general, incase someone follows me..regardless of kittens. Wow. It is almost like the flyers put a target on my back. I did continue walking but was out of sorts after that and scared to keep looking..I think I went way too fast after that and wasn't paying enough attention because I was pissed someone told me to get lost on my own street. I even walked beyond my destination because I had to clear my head and calm down..then I came back around and also checked the storm drains incase kittens fell in, but I had to avoid that house on my way back. I am so demoralized from this experience. I am a very socially anxious person and doing my best to continue on anyway but this is getting to be ridiculous and makes me feel like a leper in my own neighborhood. I would have stuck up for myself alot better, if it wasn't in the dead of night (I did not want to cause a scene and awake anyone).


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
It wouId be very unsettIing to ANYONE! AIthough, I'm of the mind to think it more IikeIy that they didn't want you to smeII the pot smoke, or some such thing...their bad, not yours! NOT accusing them, you understand, just making the point that it was not about you, but about them.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
She may have moved them much further away after the coyote. They may show up after she gets pregnant again. keep looking, listen to the birds too, I have found many cats being watched and the birds were warning others. sounds like your neighbors are up to something illegal and don't want anyone around, watch yourself. You may try following mama if possible. She is probably weaning them, but should bring them in to eat. I would get mama fixed ASAP to prevent this again. Your local shelter should have traps, get her used to eating inside them first by wiring up teh door. They are fairly cheap at a farm supply store too, around 29.99 0n sale.
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  • #13


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Aug 10, 2023
Mom came back earlier today, a couple hours after I came back from the search. I gave her a little bit of food just so I could follow her after with my flashlight (I stayed in my yard to do so..she kept looking behind her and did not want to be followed), the bad thing is that she turned into the driveway of what I believe to be the house that told me to "get lost"! That made me wonder things even more. But half an hour later she was back with one of the toms..and one of her kittens!! Then she brought the other two 15 minutes later!! I was SO relieved they were all alive. She stayed at the porch of my next door neighbor and my yard for most of the day and the kittens were ravenous, they ate so much and drank and played and slept. However once night came, they were running in and out of the trees/'woods' area..I did not see one kitten for awhile and then mom and the other two were gone. Have not seen them, mom came back to eat a little alone and then again just now at midnight and she was not interested in food, just walked right by and was sniffing around and circling the house, I lost sight of her. I hope it wasn't that third kitten she was searching for..I hope it is not lost. I want to walk the streets again to deter the coyote but I am afraid of that nasty neighbor, etc. Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Thank you for your kindness where that was concerned..lol I do wonder what on earth their problem was! I wonder if me walking the streets last night had anything to do with her bringing them back just 2.5 hours later. I wonder if my presence was keeping the coyote at bay or something. Earlier in the night yesterday night (before she came back with them and before I went walking) I also played mama cat calling sounds briefly in the woods. But only once as I did not want to confuse the kittens, just see if I heard anything move. That's all I really did differently.

I wonder if me moving the feeding time out to avoid the coyote annoyed her, but idk. It wasn't that big of a difference. So kittens were missing for almost exactly 48 hours. Now gone again. di and bob di and bob I contacted someone to help trap them who may come tomorrow..but now with them being gone again, idk what will happen. My next door neighbor got the note I left this morning and texted me a few hours ago, the nicest person I have talked to yet! He actually did know about the kittens for awhile and had even named the 3 adult cats and was trying to help them too, unbeknownst to me. He even gave me dates of when he thinks they were born. He gave me permission to try to trap them on his property. As for the other neighbor next to him who I spoke to on Wednesday and sent me pic of mom in his yard on Thursday morning..I have not heard back from him. I hope my response did not annoy him. I told him the kittens came back but to keep a lookout incase they left again through his yard and also asked if he could give me a quick call because I wanted to ask him something about the neighbors on the other side of him (the "get lost" house)..I just wanted to know if he knew them and let him know there could be a potential issue if she goes back to that yard.