Cat poops in litterbox, but pees on floor. Please help


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 13, 2022
I live in a 4 cat household. One of the cats is a 12 year old, spayed female. She has had an issue with inappropriate urination for quite a while. We have 6 litter boxes, all of which have easy entry, and no lids. We use crushed walnut shell litter currently, but previously had used clay litter and she would still pee on things. We had her on a behavioral med for this issue which we had thought was working, but it was actually causing her to retain her urine which resulted in a UTI. We had thought she was not peeing on things because of the med working, but turns out she just was barely peeing. The uti has been resolved for months and she has been weened off of that particular medication (paroxetine). Since then she has been switched to Buspar. After weening off the Paroxetine, the inappropriate urination returned, and has persisted since starting the Buspar. She is a very happy cat, affectionate, and not anxious. She jumps up on beds, furniture, windows so we know it’s not a matter of her being unable to get in the litter boxes. Urinalysis shows no issues, blood work shows no issues, and we are completely stumped as to why this is an issue and what we can do to solve it. She doesn’t pee on objects, put pees on walls/around the perimeter of rooms.
Things we have done:
- added more litterboxes
- behavioral meds
- more access to food/water etc
- supplements/meds for mobility
- adding more toys, towers, tunnels, hides
- giving more attention


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Where are the litter boxes located?

Ive found my different cats need different things. One prefers a covered box. One prefers to go in the area we are in, the other prefers space. We have one under a table, which is an uncovered box but the table overtop makes them feel more secure.

Is she on urinary food? I there a chance she has stones that is making it painful to urinate still?


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. The very fact that she is peeing in an almost 'spraying' fashion could still be the result of discomfort with whatever position she holds when she pees. Cats hold different positions to pee and poop, and typically it is the poop position that can cause arthritic discomfort, but as we all know all cats are different so that is no one 'rule' that applies to everyone, If there is some discomfort, it is the tendency for a cat to blame the litter box and not their own body, so then they avoid the box thinking that is the problem.

It doesn't matter that she still jumps, nor is that an absolute sign that she doesn't have arthritis. Jumping traditionally uses different muscles/joints than peeing and pooping. I'd get her spine and legs x-rayed, if for no other reason than to rule out arthritis.

Here is a TCS article on litter box related issues, just in case anything in it might trigger some other ideas for you.
How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats [The Ultimate Guide] - TheCatSite