My Sweet Lola is at the Rainbow Bridge

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
If I can help one person, it is well worth it. I think just knowing someone has been there and survived, and is close by, helps tremendously. You have so much love to give.....I know it seems like an impossible mountain to climb, but you have many people who can help you. You are not alone in your grief.
As one who knows this grief, and took years to work through it, I know it is a personal undertaking, only you can get on with your own life, but it helps to know you can begin to heal. It will always hurt, I won't lie to you, but you will someday learn to live again. You must find something that makes you want to get up in the mornings, something that makes you feel needed and happy. I know for a long time I even resented my other cats for intruding in my grief, but they ended up being a lifeline, they forced me to care for them. And in the way cats have, they gave me a reason to want to live again because they love living in the now so very much. I saved their lives from the cold outdoors and they, in turn, saved me.....
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  • #162


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
My dearest Lola, happy birthday!
You would have been 20 today, if you were still with me, if someone else didn't make the greatest of the mistakes.
You know that I have never forgotten you, not even for a second. You know you are still my first thought in the morning and the last in the night.
You have been, are, and will be the love of my life, the light of my eyes, the beating of my heart.
I still can't stand your absence, I still miss your perfect love.
Happy birthday my sweet Lola, happy 20th birthday, wherever you are.


Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Happy 20th Birthday dear sweet Lola.
You were and still are such a beautiful sweet kitty.
You will always remain in your special person's heart. He loves and misses you so very much.
Please bring what comfort you can to him. Let him know that you are with family and you will all be reunited one day.
Let the sun shine on him and bring some peace to his heart.
Antonio , my dear sweet friend , you have a warm and kind heart.
Lola and all your kitties were so lucky to have you caring for them and loving them.
They will always love and remember you , just like you will always love them.
You have each other's heart and that is something that no one can take away , not even death.
My heart is with you always my friend.
Love and Hugs , Gloria
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  • #164


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Happy 20th Birthday dear sweet Lola.
You were and still are such a beautiful sweet kitty.
Thank you so much, she always meowed when someone would tell her she was beautiful :)

My heart is with you always my friend.
Love and Hugs , Gloria
Thank you Gloria, your words warmed my heart!
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  • #165


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
My sweet Lola, today is four years without you, four years of sadness, four years of emptiness. Lola, you know I have never forgotten you. You are still in my thoughts everyday, I am sure you can hear me calling your name, thinking of you. I'm sure you can feel I'm missing you.
Some tears have already rolled down this morning, and more tears will, especially this afternoon, when I feel the same warm sun on my face like the day you left me. My heart is filled with despair since that day, I didn't know this pain would last this long.
Lola, wherever you are, please know that I will never forget you, till the last second of my life.
Give a kiss to Pallina for me.
I love you, Lola, I love you! :bawling:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My dear friend......I wish I could take away your pain, but it is yours alone and no one else in the world could share what you shared with precious Lola. I lost my beloved Chrissy 8 years ago this last December, and the pain can still be as sharp as a knife in my heart. But look around, look at all those other precious babies you helped and gave a piece of your heart to, they needed you too.....Lola will always have that special place in your soul. She will always be near. Please try to rejoice because you found her and got to share such a special love, do not let that beautiful love bring you such pain. Sorrow will eventually destroy some of that love because it will replace it if you let it. Do not let that happen. Today when you feel that warm sunshine on your face, remember her, and remember that love and hold on to it. It is supposed to bring you joy and happiness, and it will again eventually, in time, one day at a time........


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
The anniversaries are always so tough as we remember that horrible last day with them, but she is fine now, just fine, and when you meet again down the line it will tears of joy, not sadness.....

And as much as you loved and cared for her she loved you just as much in return, and I'm sure that she misses you also, but we must go on our own distinct paths so that we might meet up again, it's just a little "detour". We don't like it, but for some reason it has to be this way.

Until you meet again......:alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Deep, very deep in the Black Forest dwelt a lonely Panther. She was so happy there, hunting, climbing, sunbathing (to the possible extent, of course). But well, she was alone. Nobody to talk to. She falls asleep every afternoon and dreams about his lovely nest, the distant Star HD 85951 [this code means something - google it ]. She was born there and send to Earth for unknown reasons.

One day, a Blue Dwarf passed near the Tree of the Panther. Undoutfully, the Panther was so delighted to target the Dwarf, and no doubt she would break his neck, for this is the inner Nature of the predator - to kill.

the Blue Dwarf saw her and told her: " I am the Magister of the Bright Stars! I know where are you from and I think you miss your primary home!". So this is something the Panther never heard in her entire life: a talking blue dwarf who knows her so well.

Then the Blue Dwarf hugs the Panther and they live together a number of long days. But, unlike the Blue one, the Panther was not immortal. So her time came and she was very unhappy because she never had a chance to talk to her beloved companion. Talking is not the biggest talent of a panther, you know. One may even say that panthers never talk. Maybe, but how can we be so sure?

When the last roar of the panther had shaken the Black Forest, his beloved friend remained adamant but rivers of tears dropped at his feet. He kept crying year after year, each night looking for the home Star of his beloved friend.

Sick and pained, the Blue Dwarf raised his hands to the sky, asking for help. As every time a grieving voice climbs to the stars, the Wise Man heard him. He told him: "'Why are you so pained, why are you so sad? You know and you know that your friend is now dwelling in his Home Star, so what is so painful to you?". The Blue Dwarf answered "I know the Law, I know I can't beat the Law, nobody can, but I was searching the entire sky and no trace of my beloved Panther! Where shall I look?" The Wise Man said "Look deep into your Heart!".

I do not know what the Blue Dwarf saw into his heart, and nobody knows, I am afraid because the images from the heart are a big mystery in everybody's life. But what I know is that the Blue Dwarf never feel alone since then and his tears dried.
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John Perram

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 21, 2020
Deep, very deep in the Black Forest dwelt a lonely Panther. She was so happy there, hunting, climbing, sunbathing (to the possible extent, of course). But well, she was alone. Nobody to talk to. She falls asleep every afternoon and dreams about his lovely nest, the distant Star HD 85951 [this code means something - google it ]. She was born there and send to Earth for unknown reasons.

One day, a Blue Dwarf passed near the Tree of the Panther. Undoutfully, the Panther was so delighted to target the Dwarf, and no doubt she would break his neck, for this is the inner Nature of the predator - to kill.

the Blue Dwarf saw her and told her: " I am the Magister of the Bright Stars! I know where are you from and I think you miss your primary home!". So this is something the Panther never heard in her entire life: a talking blue dwarf who knows her so well.

Then the Blue Dwarf hugs the Panther and they live together a number of long days. But, unlike the Blue one, the Panther was not immortal. So her time came and she was very unhappy because she never had a chance to talk to her beloved companion. Talking is not the biggest talent of a panther, you know. One may even say that panthers never talk. Maybe, but how can we be so sure?

When the last roar of the panther had shaken the Black Forest, his beloved friend remained adamant but rivers of tears dropped at his feet. He kept crying year after year, each night looking for the home Star of his beloved friend.

Sick and pained, the Blue Dwarf raised his hands to the sky, asking for help. As every time a grieving voice climbs to the stars, the Wise Man heard him. He told him: "'Why are you so pained, why are you so sad? You know and you know that your friend is now dwelling in his Home Star, so what is so painful to you?". The Blue Dwarf answered "I know the Law, I know I can't beat the Law, nobody can, but I was searching the entire sky and no trace of my beloved Panther! Where shall I look?" The Wise Man said "Look deep into your Heart!".

I do not know what the Blue Dwarf saw into his heart, and nobody knows, I am afraid because the images from the heart are a big mystery in everybody's life. But what I know is that the Blue Dwarf never feel alone since then and his tears dried.
Beautiful, thank you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
Hi Antonio. Thinking of you and your missing Lola. Hugs. My meela's death was 4 years ago and the pain is still there. Her dad Meeka was lost a year ago last November. I just experienced another loss recently. i try not to come back very often, sadly, because it still hurts being here. I had to come back because the support here is good and right now I feel like i really need it.
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  • #172


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Hi M meelasmom , I'm so sad for your tragic loss, there are no words to ease your pain now, but I hope in time you'll find a way to overcome this grief. Your heart is so strong, you can do that.
Meela, Meeka and Buddy know that you have so much love in your heart, they will send you another kitty in need, and you'll welcome it and help it and love it, just as much as you loved the one ones before.
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  • #173


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Happy 21st birthday my sweet Lola, happy birthday wherever you are now.
You know I am true when I say I never forgot you even for one second, you know that I say your name every day, I think you can hear me.
I would have liked to have you by my side forever, I would have given my life to save yours, but it wasn't meant to be.
I'm living by the dream to hug you again, never to leave you.
My sweet Lola, I love you, I always will, happy birthday.
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  • #174


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
My dear sweet Lola,
It's 5 years without you.
It's 1826 days without you.
And I haven't forgotten you even for a minute.
The pain is smoother now, but it's still there, and tears roll down every time I speak of you. My love for you is intact as it was when you were with me. And it will always be.
I love you Lola ❤❤❤

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Dear Antonio, let those tears fall, they represent your great love for that precious girl. Each one is in honor of the great love you shared. I have been without my own dear little one for almost ten years now, and I can sob like a baby when I think of her. Love never dies, and some sadness never will either. It is not as stabbing, as killing as it is in the beginning, more like a dull ache that you have learned to live with. But we have to remain behind and hopefully continue the love they bestowed upon us, by lavishing it on the other little ones under our care. It would be a wasted life to hide that great love when it is meant to be shared with others and allowed to see the sunshine that such a special love deserves. Do not hide it in the darkness of p[ain and tears.
Once in a lifetime a love comes along that is so special, so great it actually becomes a part of our soul. It is to be thought of with great gratitude, tenderness, and with thankfulness. Because that kind of love truly never dies, it is an eternal flame that grows brighter each and every time we pass it on.
Never forget the good you have brought to these cats' lives in your life. The love and care you have shown them in a world that is cold and heartless and is all many have ever known. Your sweet Lola's love will carry you on, will help you be strong in your time of need because she knows what you have to offer. She is always by your side because she is a part of you......
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  • #176


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
di and bob di and bob , your words were so touching. Thanks so much.
You are so right, such a love comes once in a lifetime and changes our life forever, it gives us a meaning, a past and a future. We will never forget those little and pure souls that were part of us for a short period of our life. They are small, delicate and light, but leave a deep mark in our hearts.
Thanks so much.
Take care :redheartpump:


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2022
My dear sweet Lola,
It's 5 years without you.
It's 1826 days without you.
And I haven't forgotten you even for a minute.
The pain is smoother now, but it's still there, and tears roll down every time I speak of you. My love for you is intact as it was when you were with me. And it will always be.
I love you Lola ❤❤❤
Dear Antonio-- I found this site yesterday, because we too, had to say goodbye to our beloved Lou cat on 3/30 this year, the same date you said goodbye to Lola 5 years ago. Funnily enough, when we first got Lou, we thought he was a girl and were debating between the names Luna and Lola! When we found out he was a boy, he became our Louis (Loo-ee). I hope that Lou was able to meet Lola yesterday crossing the bridge. Your posts (and many others) have really helped me over the last 24 hours.
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  • #178


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
TeaBirdie TeaBirdie , thanks for writing this beautiful post in my thread.
Louis and Lola share the same date, and I am sure they will share the same cloud and the same sun ray up there at the Bridge.
I'm glad I have been of little help for you in this sad moment :redheartpump:
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  • #180


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Happy birthday my sweet Lola ❤
If you were still with you would have been 22, and we'd have celebrated this important day with your favorite meal, which you were allowed to have only a few times a year.
I miss you every day.
I will never forget you, my sweet Lola ❤🌈
