Recovery Help For Post PU Surgery


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
Hello all,

After three seperate blockages in just over a week following a bladder infection the week before, my vet recommended that my male cat, Fluffy, receive an urgent PU surgery. On Tuesday evening I brought him to the emergency animal hospital and he received his surgery yesterday and it was successful and he is doing well and I should be receiving updates sometime this morning.

A bit of information on his blockages. Originally he had a bladder infection which I discovered when he was peeing less and then started to throw up after eating. He was given antibiotics and I was sent home with Diazepam for inflammation and pain, and Prazosin to try and help in pee better. At the time his blood work came back 100% and urology tests came back good as well but with a tiny amount of crystals. Vet also prescribed a Urinary Prescription diet. While home for the week he was peeing and acting completely normal. Fast forward one week and he suddenly stopped peeing a normal amount. Took him back to the vet where it was determined he was blocked though x-rays couldn't find a large blockage. He was hospitalized for 48 hours with a catheter and the vet also informed me that he discovered a spasmatic disorder in my cats urethra but he was unsure if that was causing the blockage whether it be crystals or spasms. His recheck 24 hours later still showed that everything was fine with his bladder. Another 24 hours later I noticed he was still peeing very small amounts but often and he seemed in discomfort after trying and failing to poop. He had an issue six months ago with constipation which was reducing his urine flow and required an enema to clear him up so I brought him back to the vet right away to check on that as he was still peeing fairly frequently in small amounts (including several times on the way to the vet and at the vets office). His bladder was found to be full again so the catheter was reinserted and he was able to come home for the weekend with the catheter and more of the same medication. The catheter was removed on Monday after everything appeared well and the dosage of Prazosin was upped from .5mg per day to 2mg per day. Another 24 hours passed after the catheter removal and he still was unable to pee and upon returning to the vet again, the doctor advised that Fluffy be transferred to the emergency animal hospital and undergo PU surgery as nothing seemed to be working to stop the blockages.

When I went to visit him yesterday afternoon he was just out of surgery and the doctor informed me that it was successful and they would be monitoring him for at least 24 hours. I went to visit him again last night and he seemed in good spirits. I will hear from the doctor today with updates.

My question now is, what can I do to help him out during his recovery period? He has his own room with a large mattress on the floor and I've ordered a mesh mosquito protection tent to go on the mattress to keep him contained there as unfortunately his room has a built in desk right next to the window that I wouldn't be able to keep him from jumping on. While waiting for it to arrive I have a smaller outdoor type covered pet playpen that he will be in.

If anyone has any further tips from experience, etc to help him out, I would truely appreciate it as he is a very active cat and I want to do everything I can to help him during his recovery.

I also want to add, that since I've had him for over 3 years, his diet has always consisted of 2/3 wet food, and 1/3 kibble and he has always received a lot of water mixed with every wet food meal.

I'm sorry for the very long post.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated :)

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. Will respond more tonight.
Most important thing is to increase his water intake. It would be best for him to only eat the canned prescription diet for now. I give my cats bottled water.
Remember he can re block even after the surgery. Paper litter is best during recovery as the clumping litter will clump on his surgery site and that is bad.

Make sure he is sent home with pain medication.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Not sure if you have already searched this site for other posts about PU surgery, but just in case, here is what I found:

Your Vet should give you post surgery instructions, then perhaps there will be something in the above threads that will help as he heals and you have questions/worries, etc. Hoping he does well and you have no issues
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
The little guy is home now and resting in his containment pen and he seems to be doing well so far. He seems quite energetic and wanting to leave but I know he needs to stay calm and limit his activities.

Currently waiting on my vet to call and discuss his first follow up visit.

Biggest concern at the moment is that he hasn't peed yet since coming home, however it's only been about three and a half hours and he was peeing fine at the vets office.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
Rushed him back to the emergency vet today as he hadn't peed (or attempted to) in 24 hours. Was expecting the worst, but he was examined and luckily he just didn't have to pee (weird considering he's had TONS of water mixed with his food), and when the doctor gave him a little squeeze, it flowed out with ease. Vet said everything is holding up nicely so far.

His new slightly larger containment pen arrives tomorrow so he'll be happy to have a little bit more space.

Been trying to keep him entertained with Cat Tv on YouTube on a screen a few feet from his pen and hangout with him as much as possible.

I'm not sure how often I should be bringing him to his regular vet to check-ups during his recovery. I don't want to cause him too much stress, however I also don't want anything overlooked as he's not the easiest cat to monitor and look after (almost got bit today trying to apply his anti-biotic ointment) and giving any oral medication is like fighting with a lion. I want to take him enough to know he's still doing good but not too much to stress him more.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm not sure how often I should be bringing him to his regular vet to check-ups during his recovery. I don't want to cause him too much stress, however I also don't want anything overlooked as he's not the easiest cat to monitor and look after (almost got bit today trying to apply his anti-biotic ointment) and giving any oral medication is like fighting with a lion. I want to take him enough to know he's still doing good but not too much to stress him more.
I would say the frequency of check-ups would be a question FOR the Vet, except for those little emergency visits like you had yesterday.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
I would say the frequency of check-ups would be a question FOR the Vet, except for those little emergency visits like you had yesterday.
Thank you :)

The doctor at our regular vet who was treating him works Sunday to Thursday so I will call him tomorrow. I'm definitely not the greatest at finding his bladder to check myself so I'll see what the doctor thinks.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
Fluffy seems to be doing well! He's peeing a decent amount and have bowl movements (though quite wet probably from the antibiotics or Metacam) once or twice a day.

From what my untrained eye can tell, his incision area looks good and there hasn't been any visible bleeding post surgery.

He's a happy boy with his new bigger pen and he gets a few supervised hours a day without his e-collar so he can groom himself minus the location of the surgery.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
Just wanted to provide a quick update.

Just over a week post-surgery and he is doing very well. First follow up at the vet's office was good and he just had a bit of gunk that was cleaned off. Medication, except for an ointment are all done and he is eating tons and peeing on his own in decent sized amounts.

He will go in for another followup appointment on Sunday or Monday. He's still contained and wearing a cone but we've been trying to take him for walks on his harness inside the house during the day so he gets out for a bit.

So far all is well!